When it comes to testimonial videos, the most important thing is to have a product that feels real and authentic. If you’ve been busy rounding up customers to produce testimonial videos with, you might be tempted to write out statements or lines that you’d like them to say. What would be easier, right? Just tell […]
By Jake
Testimonial Videos: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Testimonial videos should feel natural and organic. They need to tell a story about that person’s experience and portray them as genuine and relatable. I almost always shoot customer video testimonials ‘interview style’ and fill out the visuals with B-roll of the person interacting with the brand in some way. I thought I’d take a […]
By Jake
The Secret to Getting 100,000 Views on YouTube and Increasing Your Digital Brand
Observing my toddler watch other kids play with toys on YouTube recently resulted in an epiphany for me. We’re shifting from a goods consumption based society to an information consumption based society. We’re all insatiable consumers of information. Sure we still want ‘stuff’, but we’re not willing to shell out for ‘stuff’ unless we’ve sufficiently […]
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